meet your teacher
1000+ shows as a singer/songwriter
10,000+ Hours teaching students like you
Before his music career, Daniel was a full-time martial arts competitor and coach, training under Olympic Taekwondo coaches Han Won Lee and Juan Moreno, as well as Muay Thai legend Matee “Dragon Leg” Jetapeetak. He earned over 100 gold medals in Taekwondo—including two Junior Olympic titles, 11 state championships, and the U.S. Open—while also holding an undefeated Muay Thai (11-0) and MMA (3-0) record, plus an IBJJF National gold in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. As a coach, he helped dozens of students achieve similar success. But more importantly, these experiences shaped his deep understanding of skill-building—knowledge that now makes him a uniquely effective music teacher.
“I saw elite coaching firsthand. I learned how to break down complex skills and train for real results. Now I apply that same experience to helping people learn musical skills. Fighting and coaching was an education in ‘skill installation’ that can’t be bought—it had to be earned.”
Music was always a hobby, something Daniel played for fun. But in 2017, a career-ending injury changed everything. Suddenly, all the energy he had poured into martial arts had nowhere to go—so he turned to the guitar.
At 37, Daniel decided to go all in. He wasn’t a pro-level musician—yet. But he had a lifetime of learning how to learn. While most would think it was “too late,” he sought out the best teachers, enrolled in music school, and practiced guitar and vocals with the same discipline he once applied to training. Soon, open mic gigs turned into full sets, venues started booking him, and he found himself performing across the northern U.S., opening for bigger and bigger acts.
Now, as a teacher, Daniel applies decades of coaching experience to help everyday people—many who never thought they could sing or play—become confident musicians.
“I preach what I practice. I had no natural musical talent—I spent 30 years breaking my fingers and yelling in the gym. So when I say I can teach anyone to play and sing, you can take that to the bank.”
Daniel specializes in helping people play the music they love in a way that others enjoy and want to hear more of.